Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from Michael and Overview of the Course

    2. How to use this course

    3. Course References

    4. Digital Guide

    5. Presentation Slides

    1. 1. Setting the Stage

    2. Digital Guide - Setting the Stage

    3. 2. Overview of Diffusion of Innovations

    4. Digital Guide - Diffusion of Innovations

    5. 3. Adopter Categories

    6. Digital Guide - Adopter Categories

    7. 4. Chasm

    8. Digital Guide - Chasm

    9. 5. Building the Bridge

    10. Digital Guide - Building the Bridge

    1. Directions for Application Activity

    2. Digital Guide - Application

Spreading ideas in education!

  • $20.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

"Ideas that spread, win."

(Seth Godin, marketing guru)